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Write Sparkling for a Jewelry Catalog

I’m happy to help decipher this client’s needs. From what I can tell, Betsy is seeking someone who is capable of copywriting on jewelry. She wants you to write articles that will form the meat of the jewelry catalog and presumably help generate reader interest in the publication. Betsy’s goal though, is to help her client sell jewelry, so she’ll have to find some balance between editorial content and product promotion, similar to what you see in a traditional magazine. I think your task will be to come up with ideas for articles, research and write them. You’ll want to use a friendly, conversational tone. You’re not being asked to act as a reporter. No hard-hitting news stories. Your articles will be lighter fare along the lines of upbeat feature stories.

As for story ideas, Google “jewelry blogs” and “jewelry magazines” and see what topics they cover. Another idea is to go to Amazon, find books on jewelry, and then take a peek at their table of contents.

If the client says she wants an article on pearls or diamonds, for example, then Google the topic and see what comes up. You should be able to figure out some story ideas that are similar but still original — no exact copies, of course.

As for imagery, that’s just a fancy word for photos. You wouldn’t have to take your own photos. You’d just have to find them at a stock photo house.

For example, these websites offer you photos for free, no royalties. www.pexel.com and www.unsplash.com. Search the sites like you would Google, with keywords. Click on a photo you like and click download, and the photo is yours.

Unfortunately, the selection isn’t great, but you should be able to find something that works. If the client wants better images, she’ll have to pay for them.

Paid sites include www.shutterstock.com and www.depositphotos.com. You can go on those paid sites, pick the photos you like, and then send your client the links to them or provide their catalog number, and she can buy them. To be clear, you’ll be doing the research to find relevant photos, but you shouldn’t be expected to pay for them.

I realize you’re still in the discussion stages with this client. If she is hesitant to work with you because you’re a new copywriter, ask her to start with just one article. That’s low risk — for her and for you.

Then do a fabulous job on that first article. Once she’s delighted with your work, I’m sure she’ll ask you to do the remaining articles and hopefully jewelry product descriptions for the catalog as well.

Always keep your eyes open for opportunities to increase the scope of your project or garner more copywriting work, whether it’s copy for her jewelry catalog, ads or website.

To grow your copywriting business, turn small jobs into big jobs by showing the client how capable you are. And turn one project into a mutually beneficial, ongoing relationship that generates regular income for you.

Good luck!

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